Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Week 8. Reflections

Thursday, 29th August, 2013
Before the Seminar Series in Technology in Education course began students were emailed and asked to have for the first class:
  1. Laptop
  2.  Course outline (hardcopy)
  3. A saving device
  4. Headphones with microphone
  5. Speakers
  6. Registered onto ABIIT Moodle website
Tuesday, 10th September, 2013
Students were asked to create their blog.

Thursday, 12th September, 2013
Students were sent an invitation to join the class group email created in SkyDrive. This was to enable communication and sharing of information to and from members in the class collectively.

Group: Primary Year 1 Day 2013
Muriel, Jacqueline, Sylvana, K-Anne, Rochelle and Iwa were unable to join the group at the time due to technical difficulties, then when they were able to the time span for the group invitation was expired.

Monday, 16th September, 2013
Students were asked to go to the lecturer’s blog: seminarseriestechnologyineducation.blogspot.com

There they were to answer a learning styles questionnaire, copy and paste the results in a word document and save it on their PC to use at a later date.

They then:
  • Researched information on Digital Native and Digital Immigrant
  • Identified which one they were Digital Native or Digital Immigrant based on their learning style
Tuesday, 17th September, 2013
The documents that students sent via email are their PowerPoint presentation on learning, their email discussion on Digital Native vs. Immigrant was completed, also their group discussion on hardware and software and finally the group information on software.

Thursday, 19th September, 2013
  1. Were emailed the Google Drive link to the class address spreadsheet and their activities and assignments spreadsheet progress sheethttps://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AsO7Q0RWRv_7dE5sdVpXVkd4TjdqY1FpNU83UW9teFE#gid=0 
  2. Encouraged to add persons to their Google+
  3. Asked to Create a New Page on their blogs: Write a short summary of how you intend to utilize your blog in your classroom and why. Say how you think it will improve the quality of your instruction. 
Friday, 20th September, 2013
Students shared their information on software via the group email.

Monday, 23rd September, 2013
Students were introduced to answering survey questionnaires online using Google Drive Form

Technology in Education Storage Devices
Technology in Education Computer Basics
However due to time only two persons answered one on
Technology in Education Role of Technology in Education

At the end of the lesson on that day the students covered the following:
Topic: Computer Basics
Activities/Tasks: Answer questions on online Google Docs form
Abilities/Skills: Research Skills, Critical thinking and Problem Solving Skills
Conclusion: Instruction was given via Technology, the Computer and each other were the resources used.

Wednesday, 25th September, 2013
Students were introduced to Web Apps and the Cloud. They finished creating their blogs.

Monday, 30th September, 2013
Students were sent the following to assist them in their class via the group email:

Video on choose who can read and edit your blog: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=42Ow2nDRYOM
Therefore On Monday, 30th September Students completed the following:
  1. Add persons as contributors to their blog (including the lecturer)
  2. Posted on each group member’s blog
  3. Commented on the posts made by their group members
  4. Copy and paste their initial blog post and the post made by their group member along with the comment they made
  5. Made a print screen of their blog and pasted it in a word document
  6. Pasted the URL for their blog under the print screen for the reader to identify their blog
Wednesday, 2nd October, 2013
Students were encouraged to visit
  •   To view the video in ‘How to create a podcast’
  •   To visit the other teacher trainees blog
   There was no presencial class due to power outage island wide.

Monday, 7th October, 2013
Students received instruction via a resource person. This lesson they created a podcast as a class and explored how to record their own voices to form a podcast in groups.

Monday, 14th October, 2013
Introduction to The Assure Model Lesson Plan and the use of a Movie Maker non-example video

Wednesday, 16th October, 2013
The Assure Model Lesson Plan and Movie Maker video creation presentation

Monday, 21st October, 2013
Continuation on Assure Model Lesson Plan and Movie Maker video creation presentation

As a group students started to create an Evaluative Tool for the lesson.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week 7. Windows Live Movie Maker

The students were shown a non-example of how a video should be made as an introduction to a lesson.

Non-example (sample)

Students were then introduced to the ASSURE Model in order to write a lesson plan stating how they will use a windows movie maker video in a lesson of their own choice: grade, subject, topic, etc.

They were able to complete the following during the lesson:
1. Assure Model Brainstorm Document (click here to view)
2. Write a Lesson Plan using the ASSURE Model

ASSURE Model Instructional Plan Template
(Note: Delete purple text before submitting your instructional plan!)

Lesson Title:
Teacher’s Name:
Content Area:
Lesson Length  (Total Time):

*Note: Table cells will expand when text is added.
Analyze Learners
For Example:                         
  1. Number of Students
  2. No. of Males/Females
  3. Age Range
  4. Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:
    • Disabilities
    • Learning Differences
    • Cultural/Ethnic Notes
    • Etc.
  1. Current Knowledge, Prerequisites, and Notes about Learner Attitudes
  2. Learning Styles
    (Estimate % of Students)
    • Visual
    • Auditory (Aural)
    • Kinesthetic (Hands On)
State Objectives
ABCDs of strong objectives are included:
A – Action
B – Behavior
C – Condition
D – Degree
Select Methods, Media, , and Materials
All methods, media, and materials needed for the lesson are listed. Give rationales why these selected methods, media and materials are appropriate for your lesson.
1. What are the methods (more than 2)?
2. What are the media (EX: flip chart, PowerPoint Slide, computer-based tools, etc.)
3. What are the materials (ex: textbook - the book title, Educational Game, WebQuest, etc.)
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
For each listed above, details of how they will be implemented into the lesson to enhance learning with using 5Ps.
1.    Preview the materials: What you need to preview?
2.    Prepare the materials: What things need to prepare before the lesson?
3.    Prepare the environment: Where the learning takes place? How about the seating, lightening, temperature of that place?
4.    Prepare the learners: How you engage students in learning during the warm-up section?
5.    Provide the learning experiences: Outline the “Require Learner Participation” section.
Require Learner Participation
Includes detailed methods for actively engaging all students for the lesson’s duration.
Starting from how long you will need for this whole lesson, It might be one class session, but it might be 5 class sessions.  In this period of time, how do you engage your students with the methods that you provide in the previous sections?
Evaluate & Revise
Evaluation methods for each of the following are included:
  1. Student Performance
Create a rubric based on the objectives that you listed in the second part of this lesson plan as detailed as possible.

  1. Media Effectiveness
How you evaluate the effective use of the media that you select for this lesson?

  1. Instructor Performance
How your performance is assessed in this lesson? You can have students, co-workers, your supervisors and others to evaluate your performance. Provide detailed information.

3. Create their video using Windows Live Movie Maker
4. Assess each other 

Please indicate using a tick in the appropriate box the effectiveness of the video and the overall group collaboration.

How do you rate the video?

5 - Excellent
4 - Very Good
3 - Good
2 - Fair
1 - Weak



Audio and Images

How to you rate the group collaboration?

5 - Excellent
4 - Very Good
3 - Good
2 - Fair
1 - Weak
Lesson Plan

Task distribution


Overall productivity

Week 6. Podcast

Students were introduced to the audio creation audacity software and therefore how to create a podcast.

For this lesson a resource person was used to guide the students creating a podcast using audacity by downloading it from the http://ninite.com/ site. You may click on the link here if you need to download audacity on your computer.

This will allow at a later date creation of a lesson using a podcast.

Week 5. Blog Setup

The students had to continue setting up their EDET Blog.

As a result a document was shared with them given a step-by-step way in how to complete the various tasks they were asked to do on their blog.

Click here to view the Google drive document
Blog Setup Step-by-Step

This gave students a challenge since some had not even finished creating their blogs as yet or posting their first post.

However they pursued the tasks given.

Week 4. MOODLE - Web Apps and The Cloud

This lesson was quite a mind blowing one for the students since many were being introduced to 'THE CLOUD', for the first time.

An online tutorial that was uploaded on the MOODLE ABIIT website was used to introduce this lesson.

Click here to experience THE CLOUD. Watch the video on What is the cloud?
Computer Basics: Wep Apps and The Cloud

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Week 3. Blog Creation

Students were given the opportunity to create their blogs using a general guideline:

Blog Creation Guideline (click here to view)

Students were even sent a screen print sample of the different aspects they will see when setting up their blog. 


Students were also given the task to also complete a Print Screen after posting and commenting.

Prnt Scrn

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 2. Reflection

This week was quite interesting or I must say exciting as we embraced technology. Again we were faced with a challenge, this time it was the inability to project on the whiteboard. We were then saved by Miss Taylor.

Information wise we continued to collaborate as we communicated our understanding of the different learning theories and learning on a whole.

The 21st Century skills that were displayed this week were amazing!

  • Information, media, and technology skills
  • Learning and innovation skills
  • Life and career skills

The trainees and trainer were able to accomplish via power point presentations and blog creation.

As a result, my thought for this week: Linking Technology with learning and learning theories is of paramount importance in the 21st Century Classroom. Whoopie!

Week 1. Reflection

In Monday's and Wednesday's class the students appeared to have been interested in what were to be offered to them in the EDET course, based on their questions, responses and overall participation. However, there seemed to be an unclear understanding of the course outline.

1. Is the Course Outline difficult to read?
2. Did the lecturer not explain the course outline elements? Yes / No, Why?
3. Were the trainees and lecturer open minded to the format of the course outline and other course information documents?
4. Was the course outline and/or any of the documents explained? Yes / No, Why?

The above questions baffled my brain as I reflected on the presentation of the Course Information especially the Course Outline.

As a result, I may have to reflect on the answers to these questions and revisit my strategy in presenting the Course Information.

On the other hand we had FUN!  The trainees participated among themselves, collaborated well in their pair groups or working groups after individually thinking on their own on constructing different responses to the activities given.

We used the Following teaching-learning techniques/strategies:
1. Think - pair - share
2. Brainstorming
3. Concept Mapping
4. Making Connections
5. Whole Class Discussion
6. Small Group Discussion
7. Question and Answer
8. Individual Work
9. Group Work
10. Cooperative Learning - pair groups, working in groups
11. Act - it - out: Role Playing, Miming
12. Demonstration
13. Thinking - out - loud
14. Summarizing - Oral Expression
16. Reflection - Written Expression

Despite our ​​problem of connecting to the Internet, the challenge of being unable to access ABIIT Moodle website, all in all I think our first week went fairly well. However, I do believe there is so much to cover in such short space of time this EDET course that we will have to survive on In class and Out of class interest and determination to cover as much of the information as we can.

My thought for this week: Catering for the different learners in the classroom with their varying learning styles with the proper use of Technology and Media in Education today, this is the way to go. Yea!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013


Throughout the next few weeks we will embark upon an educational journey which looks at using technology in the classroom.

What do we need to have?
  1. A positive attitude
  2. Course outline
  3. Course information
  4. Technology in Education Workbook (by Jacqueline Richardson or Jonah Greene, 2011/12/13)
  5. Instructional Technology and Media for Learning Resource Book (by Smaldino, Lowther and Russell, 2011)
  6. All necessary hardware and software
  7. A hotmail address, a Google account and/or gmail
  8. A twitter account
  9. A blog
  10. A wiki
Note: Please feel free to read posts and give your comment.