Thursday, September 12, 2013

Week 1. Reflection

In Monday's and Wednesday's class the students appeared to have been interested in what were to be offered to them in the EDET course, based on their questions, responses and overall participation. However, there seemed to be an unclear understanding of the course outline.

1. Is the Course Outline difficult to read?
2. Did the lecturer not explain the course outline elements? Yes / No, Why?
3. Were the trainees and lecturer open minded to the format of the course outline and other course information documents?
4. Was the course outline and/or any of the documents explained? Yes / No, Why?

The above questions baffled my brain as I reflected on the presentation of the Course Information especially the Course Outline.

As a result, I may have to reflect on the answers to these questions and revisit my strategy in presenting the Course Information.

On the other hand we had FUN!  The trainees participated among themselves, collaborated well in their pair groups or working groups after individually thinking on their own on constructing different responses to the activities given.

We used the Following teaching-learning techniques/strategies:
1. Think - pair - share
2. Brainstorming
3. Concept Mapping
4. Making Connections
5. Whole Class Discussion
6. Small Group Discussion
7. Question and Answer
8. Individual Work
9. Group Work
10. Cooperative Learning - pair groups, working in groups
11. Act - it - out: Role Playing, Miming
12. Demonstration
13. Thinking - out - loud
14. Summarizing - Oral Expression
16. Reflection - Written Expression

Despite our ​​problem of connecting to the Internet, the challenge of being unable to access ABIIT Moodle website, all in all I think our first week went fairly well. However, I do believe there is so much to cover in such short space of time this EDET course that we will have to survive on In class and Out of class interest and determination to cover as much of the information as we can.

My thought for this week: Catering for the different learners in the classroom with their varying learning styles with the proper use of Technology and Media in Education today, this is the way to go. Yea!


  1. Good Afternoon All,

    Firstly, I am in agreement that the course objectives were somewhat unclear to me at first, this challenged me to go back to my original document that was sent in the very first email from you and and read it more in depth. The objectives now are clear (yippie).. The techniques learnt in week one classes were creative and some ways are what I constantly used with my grade two students for example brainstorming, question & answer and group work. Overall I agree that it was a very informative week.


  2. At first the outline wasn't clear to me but i read it over and came to some sort of understanding with the help from the tutor.

  3. I love this reflection. We really had fun. I was a week well spent.1.The course outline was not that difficult to read.2.The lecturer did explain the course outline.3.To a certain degree. 4.Yes the course outline was explained so that we could get a better understanding.

  4. I do think that the EDET course has brought out a lot of information that I sometimes took for granted. Technology in the classroom can be seen as a tool that allows students to move forward and upward in their learning patterns.

    My view of this topic is most favorable for this one reason, I would love to see technology used in every subject area of our curriculum.

  5. In week on we covered a lot of the course outline.It was not difficult to read or comprehend, it was very straight to the point.From my observation, everyone was very cooperative and active with getting familiar the course outline and what it entitled.

  6. Week one of class was very interesting. I am still a b it confused as to what the course work etc. is but as we continue to do simple tasks, I am beginning to grasp simple tasks

  7. So much insight was gained through the first week's activities that it helped to put into perspective the many learning styles and needs of students in my own classroom setting just because I am now in the seat where they usually are.
    This is an all round amazing experience and so I am now excited about learning all I can so that I can positively impact the lives of my students later.

  8. The EDET course at first started with everyone coming with their different ideas of the course so the clear understanding was hard to come across for me. By the second class I was more knowledgeable of the course and understood the sole purpose of the course. To answer one of your questions I believe that the trainees and the lecturer is indeed open minded to what the course has in store and I'm looking forward for the upcoming weeks.


  9. The first week's class was interesting! concepts and techniques using technology were refreshed from secondary school! Looking forward to continue the journey in EDET Course 101

  10. interesting class, the learning and teaching styles in technology which made me understand how important technology is, in the classroom. In regards to the course outline i am feeling a bit confused as to what it all entails, i guess after the lecturer explains a bit more.

  11. I agree that this class was very productive and even though others were not clear on certain aspects of the course outline, there was clarity eventually.
    There was lot of knowledge gained and it was well appreciated.

  12. The 1st week was quite open and interactive. There watching and helping my colleagues become technologically competent was real encouraging. To this point the areas we have covered so far, act as a refresher course for me, in some cases.Truly this area of profession I would encourage my colleagues to make the best of this course because it will help you in the long run.

  13. Classes are informative I am not very comfortable, but I am learning slowly. My classmates are very helpful. I will try my best to spend more time on my computer so it will help me to develop my I.T. skills.

  14. I must say that the strategies used by my collegues was very insightful and helpful to me, especially since i am by no means computer savy. I am still at a loss on a lot of things in regards to the course outline though but iam willing to learn with the right objective guidance.

    1. We can see that you are willing to learn, keep it up!

  15. My first week of Technology was an eye opener as my expectations and what actually happened was different. But I eventually put things in prospective and I am getting the hang of things.

  16. my first week of technology was interesting and a little questioning. But i think I'm going to get the hang of it.

  17. Interesting class! Mrs Roberts tried to explain the course outline but I'm not familiar at all with the work but I hope to learn as time goes by.
